Fall in Love with Jesus

February 06, 2018

He said to Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”…[The lawyer] said, “The one who showed mercy on him.” And Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.”
– Luke 10:29,37


In living out the greatest commandment to love God and to love our neighbor, we may become overwhelmed or frustrated in our attempt to look beyond ourselves through a life of service. Where should we go when we need to return to the basics in our quest to love? The answer is simple – with Jesus.
In the Incarnation, God becomes man. He becomes our neighbor. He reveals to us the unconditional and infinite love of God. By simply returning to Jesus and allowing ourselves to fall in love with Him, we will actually return love for love and begin to fulfill the greatest commandment. Why? Because we love Jesus who is God and who is also my neighbor. Mother Teresa simply stated, “Once you fall in love with Jesus, everything else follows and becomes easy in a way.”

Live It! Tip of the WeekReturn to the life of Jesus in Holy Scripture by reading through a chapter or two of a Gospel account. Pray for the grace to encounter Christ and His love.

Lord, in the power of your Holy Spirit grant that I may encounter you anew through Holy Scripture. Elevate my mind, open my heart, enliven my strength, abide in my soul. Amen.