Feast of the Visitation

May 31, 2017

“For behold, when the voice of your greeting came to my ears,
the babe in my womb leaped for joy.”

-Luke 1:44

Happy Feast of the Visitation! The Second Joyful Mystery! It’s incredible to ponder the marvels that have taken place through the voice of Mary!

In this Visitation, which took place in a home, as soon as Elizabeth hears the voice of Mary she is filled with the Holy Spirit. Simultaneously, the baby in her womb leaps for joy! Why? Because Mary brought Jesus Christ into
their home!

Want to understand the essence of Mary’s role in salvation history? Mary ALWAYS brings Jesus Christ to souls. Mary brought Christ into the world. She brought Christ into the home. What we see her do in Scripture, she will continue to do until the end of time.

So here is the practical take away for this week: Bring Mary into your home! Just as surely as she did for Elizabeth, she longs to fill your home and heart with the Holy Spirit, with joy, and with sanctification. Most importantly and most essentially, she will bring you closer to her Son.

Mother Mary, I invite you into my home and heart this day and each day. Ease the doubts, fears and distractions in my mind. Give me to drink of your desire. Let your fiat be resplendent in my life. Amen.

The Theology of Food

May 23, 2017

“For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed.”
-John 6:55


Food is one of the most religious things that we have.

Father Leo’s ministry, Grace Before Meals, has developed an entire theology of food. Before God made the body, he made food. When creating the body, he created hunger (or theologically speaking— desire); hunger in a physical sense, but also a desire for spiritual needs to be met. These spiritual hungers can only be met by God himself.

Ultimately, God wants to quench that spiritual hunger by becoming our food. All we have to do is show up at the altar of our Lord and receive Him during the greatest meal of all time.


O Lord, we thank you for the gifts of your bounty which we enjoy at our table. As you have provided for us in the past, so may you sustain us throughout our lives. While we enjoy your gifts, may we never forget the needy and those in want.

How to Approach Meal Time

May 16, 2017

“Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up
in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.”

-Ephesians 6:4


At meal times, you need to talk!

The greatest institution of all that our country has is the family, and it’s a family that has conversations together. Come to the table with topics and questions that you’re excited about. These conversations will create a turning toward one another, which will eventually lead to a Holy Communion.

This Communion will develop around your dinner table, or what we like to call, the altar of the domestic church.


O Lord, we thank you for the gifts of your bounty which we enjoy at our table. As you have provided for us in the past, so may you sustain us throughout our lives. While we enjoy your gifts, may we never forget the needy and those in want.

Why Eating Together Matters

May 9, 2017

When one of those who sat at table with him heard this, he said to him,
“Blessed is he who shall eat bread in the kingdom of God!”

-Luke 14:15


Eating together as a family isn’t just important; it’s necessary!

We live in a culture with a fast food mentality. We have come to believe that a perfect family can come together in a microwavable minute. Instead, we have to remember that God uses a crockpot, and that takes time.

The foundation of the family is built on the foundation of the table. It is where families grow in trust, communication and love for one another. You prove that love for your kids at the table by spending time with them.

So cook good food, your kids will come and you will learn why Jesus became food in the first place.


O Lord, we thank you for the gifts of your bounty which we enjoy at our table. As you have provided for us in the past, so may you sustain us throughout our lives. While we enjoy your gifts, may we never forget the needy and those in want.

St. Joseph the Worker

May 1, 2017

But Jesus answered them, “My Father is working still, and I am working.”
-John 5:17


Work is tedious. Work is a grind. It’s hard, long and can sometimes be laborious. Work. Is. Work!

At times however, it can also be incredibly satisfying. Accomplishing something good, worthwhile and beneficial for others can lead to a sense of purpose and fulfillment. One thing is for certain, we can work all day, all week and all year long, but there will always be more that we feel we must get done.

Today is May 1st, the feast of St. Joseph – the Worker.  St. Joseph is revealed in Scripture to be 1) a just man before God, 2) spouse of Mary and 3) father of Jesus. Those are his big 3.

The Holy Spirit also wishes us to know something else about St. Joseph’s identity – he was a carpenter. The Holy Spirit reveals his work to us and the Church celebrates this feast!

Amidst the daily grind of work, we imitate God in very tangible ways. First, God is the ultimate Creator, but he has given humanity the dignity to participate in his creative genius. We get to create things through our work. Second, God is the Provider. Through work, we are given the dignity to provide for the needs of others, especially our families.

So whatever you are, whatever you do, consecrate your work to God each day.

This only scratches the surface of what St. Joseph wishes to teach us. Together, let’s walk with St. Joseph and allow him to lead us to new
spiritual heights.


St. Joseph,
Mystery hidden from the wise and learned,
But revealed to the little ones.
Take me to Nazareth and train me in your ways.
Reveal to me Christ’s hidden face present in my children.
Unveil for me the love of the Holy Spirit present in my spouse.
Teach me to manifest for them the Father who is rich in mercy.
Help me exclude all evil from my heart and my home,
So that we might find union with God,
And experience his love, peace and joy.