“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise,
making the most of the time, because the days are evil.”
-Ephesians 5:15-16
Mark and Leigh Hermann came to the office to share how they give God some of their time and why that is so important for their marriage.
For them, the key has been learning to budget their time like they do their money. Mark explained that because of the craziness of their lives, they began to realize that they weren’t spending any intentional time with each other or with God. In response, they went through each day hour by hour, and scheduled prayer time and intentional couple time.
That was a game changer for their family. They decided to start having breakfast together every day. They get up a little earlier, but it allows them to share a meal and pray together before the distractions of the day creep in.
Live It! Practical Tip for This Week: Budget your time. See what you can cut out of your schedule in order to spend more intentional time with God and with your family.
O God, we want to live our life together with you and always to continue it with you. Help us never to hurt and never to grieve each other. Help us to share all our works, all our hopes, all our dreams, all our successes, all our failures, all our joys and all our sorrows. Help us to have no secrets from each other so that we may be truly one. Keep us always true to each other, and grant that all the years ahead may draw us ever closer to each other. Grant that nothing may ever come between us and nothing may ever make us ever drift apart. And as we live with each other, help us to live with you, so that our love may grow perfect in your love, for you are the God whose name is love. This we ask for your love’s sake. Amen