How to Foster Vocations in your Parish

August 22, 2017

“And now I commend you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified.”
-Acts 20:32


Like we said a few weeks ago —vocations do not fall from a tree! Statistics suggest there’s something that can be done to help foster vocations at the parish level.

A staggering 80% of the seminarians in Houston came from the 20% of parishes that promote vocations. That should jolt us all! What can we do to help foster vocations in our own parishes?

Rhonda Gruenwald’s book, Hundredfold, and the website serve as ‘how-tos’ for prayer and vocation promotion at your parish. Whether you want to pursue vocational ministry through prayer, an apostolate, or any other format, it’s all laid out in a simple way through those resources. The best part: it can all be done by lay people with the guidance of a priest!

Live It! Practical Tip of the Week: Begin praying for vocations from
your parish!


Father you call each one of us by name and ask us to follow you.

Bless your church by raising up dedicated and generous leaders from our families and friends who will serve your people as Sisters, Priests, Brothers, Deacons, and Lay Ministers.

Inspire us as we grow to know you, and open our hearts to hear your call.

We ask this in Jesus name,