Spiritual Masters for Your Journey

April 18, 2017

“For he has risen, as he said.”
-Matthew 28:6


Jesus Christ is risen from the dead. He is alive. He is the living word. You can have union with him – today and every day. Now you continue the journey. In the spiritual life you either go forward or backward. There is no standing still. We pray that you chose to go forward.

To do so, we highly recommend that you take 3 spiritual masters for your guide. The first is Brother Lawrence who wrote “The Practice of the Presence of God.” Put it into practice and you will be a spiritual giant.

The next two are the patron saints of Paradisus Dei. The first is Don Bosco. Get his book “Give me souls.” It is Steve Bollman’s favorite saint story.

Next, take St. Therese who wrote “The Story of a Soul”. It is on everyone’s short list of must read spiritual classics.

Prayer for Easter
Come Holy Spirit and fill the heart of thy faithful
and enkindle in them the fire of your love.

Send forth your spirit and they shall be created
and you will renew the face of the earth.